Friday, May 10, 2024


Another strange film from the DTV (Direct To Video) era.

Young women are being kidnapped by a Satanic cult in this bizarre film.

The women are kept in cages until they are needed as food for "The Child". Now what the hell is "The Child"? It's a winged, deformed monster that the cult feeds a woman to every night.

There, you have the plot right there. Two police officers investigate, but come up empty handed as to where the women are kept and why this is happening.

After two small children witness a kidnapping they go to the police and they finally have the lead they need. The acting isn't the greatest, but when you watch a movie like this you shouldn't be expecting that.

I think most of the budget went to the creation of the monster, which is pretty damned good for a movie like this. The cast for this is interesting as well. You have Shanna McCullough as one of the police looking for the kidnappers and then you have Tori Sinclair as a room mate of one of the missing women.

Both of these women has careers in BDSM films and I admit I have seen most of them. Anyhow, their casting in this is most unusual, but it does bring name recognition no matter how you slice it.

It's not too bad of a film, but it won't appeal to everyone. Also known as "Luka's Child".

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