Saturday, June 22, 2024


Standard Italian muscle popper with a strange twist.

Czar Nicolas (Massimo Serato) sends a group of people on a secret mission to find hidden treasures and bring them back to his kingdom.

One group finds a lot of treasure and then they discover a tomb with a very well preserved corpse inside. He comes back to life and they find he is Maciste (Kirk Morris).

Nicolas doesn't take this too well as Maciste fights for the oppressed people. After this bizarre opening we get the usual adventure of a muascleman attempting to stop a tyrant.

Now, I am not saying this is a bad film by any means. I enjoyed it a lot because I likeMorris and I like the beautiful women even more. These kinds of movie never fail to satisfy in that regard.

This is a rare film in this genre as it hasn't been seen much. Sometimes these just fall thru the cracks of the celluloid world. The rest of the cast for this epic includes beautiful Ombretta Colli, Gloria Milland, Dada Gallotti and Tom Felleghy.

On a quick note, in America they released the film with the hero named Atlas and in the ads it said Samson!! Americans wer not familiar with Maciste I guess.

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