Tuesday, June 11, 2024


I really enjoyed this offbeat film.

A young girl discovers a book in the cemetary and all the pages are empty.

The girl, Ursula (Magda Apanowicz) is a very picked upon high school student. She discovers that whatever she writes in the book comes true, and the book thrives on hate.

In just a very few days Ursula has completely changed and is using the book for revenge. She has a sexy cheerleader named Heather (Miriam McDonald) suffer a terible accident by having both legs broken. One male student looses his eyes and the other is burned in a horrible accident involving chemicals.

In a bizarre twist in the film another cheerleader named Georgia (Deanna Casaluce) manages to steal the book from Ursula. She in turn writes things and becomes totally evil. She kills Ursula in a disturbing way and the it's up to Ursula's best friend Dominique (Alexz Johnson) to obtain the book, but this proves very difficult, and when she finally does...well lets just say things don't work out well.

This is a very dark film about an ancient evil that just suddenly appears and then seems indestructible. It's well made and the young women are all very attractive and that never hurts any film.

I would easily recommend this to any horror fan. I don't know if this is available anywhere but streaming at this point..but check it out anyway.

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