Friday, June 14, 2024


Well made Italian swashbuckler/adventure film.

This film opens pretty wildly as the della Rocca family completely wipes out another family named Altavila and takes over their castle and thier lands.

Flash forward to 15 years later and the della Rocca's still rule with an iron fist. In a bit of irony, the Countessa Ottavia della Rocca (Tamara Lees) took in an abandoned child as her family's victory and the child has now grown up amongst the gypsies.

The irony is that this now young man will prove to be her downfall. He starts by stealing the horses of the dell Rocca family and hiding them so the soldiers cannot find them.

This small act sets into motion many other things that lead to a final war. There is a lot of action, adventure and beautiful women which makes me wonder why this film isn't better known.

If you like adventure films like this, the I suggest you check it out on streaming. The print quality is very good and it begs for a Blu-ray release.

The rest of the cast includes Livio Lorenzon, Germano Longo, Mario Valdemarin, Pina Cornel, and Gabriella Farinon.

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