Friday, August 12, 2011


Got an interesting email the other day that asked why I usually included what was being broadcast on radio stations for AT 40 the 70's and 80's.
Well I include this not only because this is a pop culture blog, and it is something I enjoy, but it has a VERY special place in my life and always will.
I grew up mostly in Montana and lived in a small town called Gardiner, which is the North Entrance to Yellowstone Park, and at that time there was no TV and limited radio there.
I would listen to a radio station called KCPX in Salt Lake City when the signal would come in and when I woke up on Sunday morning and smelled the blueberry muffins my mother was cooking and I heard Casey Kasem begin the countdown, I knew all was right with the world.
Now in 2011 nothing like that is around any more and I miss it. That may sound corny to the young people reading this or to anyone for that matter, but to me those were the best times in my life and always will be.
I can only speak for myself when I say I find neither movies, music or much else in this time period good or even the least bit enjoyable. There is a small gem every now and then, but as a whole, to me anyway, everything sucks when it comes to pop culture.
So, in a nutshell, I include it because it means a lot to me and always takes me back to a time when things were good.
Questions or comments??

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