Saturday, April 21, 2012


Wow, what can you say about this movie? Jackie Coogan stars as Dr. Aranya, a mad scientist who has developed a way of mixing genes of women and spiders and thus creating a race of super women and super sized spiders. I admit, this is a bad movie, but damn, it is an entertaining bad one. The acting is somewhat bizarre and Harmon Stevens as Leland Masterson sounds an awful lot like Elmer Fudd!! By coinsidence, I watched this film on the 20th anniversary of his death!! Weird huh? I first caught this many years ago at 5:30 am on All Night Movies and couldn't believe my eyes!! Tandra Quinn is Tarantella and I believe she is the only cast member alive today, and her performance is mute, but very, very effective. I recommend this for bad movie lovers everywhere and fans of Flaminco Guitar!! See this movie soon.

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