Monday, August 27, 2012


One of my favorite films of the 70's. This tale concerns a scientist who transplants the head of a psychopath onto the body of a huge mentally retarded man.
The surgery proves successful and soon a huge two headed killer is roaming the land.
Bruce Dern is the scientist who, along with Barry Kroger create the monster, John Bloom is Danny the innocent boy who suddenly finds another head on his body played by Albert Cole.
Casey Kasem is on hand as a good friend of Dern's who is shocked to find his friend doing such experiments..and now to the point of very high interest of this Pat Priest who plays Derns wife.
Throughout the film she is trying to make him pay attention to her which he doesn't very much and for the rest of the film she is constantly tied up and gagged in a nightgown or bikini and even caged at one point by Dern!!
Priest never looked sexier than in this film and her presence alone make this film a great one.
If you can, watch this and see a true exploitation film that is very good even if the subject matter is outlandish.
The cast is rounded out by Larry Vincent as Danny's father, Vincent was an L.A. Horror Host for many years, and Gary Kent. Recommended!!

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