Monday, August 27, 2012


This is one film that has been unfairly neglected over the years and made fun of and trashed by those who have no concept of low budget filmmaking.
A young boy runs over and kills his father with a farm bulldozer and mangles his own hand in the process which is replaced by a hook.
He returns after many years in an asylum and when he finds his mother is remarried he kills her and her new husband and then hits the road for more killings.
He dispatches a young couple who picked him up hitchhiking with rocks and drowning after he sees his dead mother is various stages of decay..and this all takes place in about the first 20 minutes of the movie!
The demented young man named Matthew soon finds himself in Venice California where he becomes obsessed with a young prostitute/artist. He kills a maid and an old lady in a mansion in order to kidnap the young woman and keep her as his.
He spends the rest of the time torturing her in the mansion as things slowly desend further into madness. The bodies pile up in the house and finally everything culminates in utter disaster in one of the bleakest endings this side of film noir.
Fred Holbert does a fantastic job as Matthew, the hook handed psycho and Leigh Mitchell does just as good as his victim and "girlfriend".
Sadly Holbert never did another film and Mitchell only appeared in one other film, the classic Incredible Melting Man.
This is the second film appearence of Angus Scrimm and in this film he plays the murdered old lady's doctor who makes an unappreciated call to the house which ends in disaster.
As I said, this is one of the most underrated shockers out there, and a MUST see for horror fans.

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