Sunday, September 15, 2013


More sci-fi fun from Shout.

Robert Clarke is a test pilot who goes thru a time warp into the year 2024 and finds that a plague has made the last remaining people on Earth sterile. The world he finds is one of repression and slavery with two classes of people..the free ones with only two who can hear and speak and the mutants kept at bay by the use of high tech instruments.

The leader if the free people is Vladimir Sokoloff as The Supreme. His daughter falls in love with Clarke and he encourages them to mate so they might break the string of mutants.

Again, director Edgar Ulmer makes the most of a limited budget. This was filmed at the Texas State Fair in 1959 and Ulmer got to use all the scientific gadgets that were being shown. The future world in this film is a very bleak one indeed.

Clarke finally finds three scientists who are from the past as well and want to get back to their respected times. John Van Dreelan, Stephen Bekassy and Arianne Ulmer are the three scientists who turn out to be far more evil than their captors.

The print of this film looks as good as I have ever seen it and I hope Shout/Timeless continue to deliver on the films in the MGM library. Recommended as is the entire disc which also contains "Man From Planet X", "Time Travelers" and "Angry Red Planet".

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