Wednesday, September 11, 2013


One of the best of the big bug monster movies.

I decided to revisit this classic film from the golden era of monster movies. Richard Denning and Carlos Rivas are two geologists who are trying to help Mexico recover from a series of violent earthquakes and soon find that the quakes have opened up fissures in the earth that have allowed giant scorpions and other monster to come to the surface.

Mara Corday is a ranch owner who falls for Denning after her ranch is overrun with giant monsters. The effects are very well done considering the very limited budget. I have always liked the close ups of the scorpion monsters' faces even though most people I have talked to don't like them at all.

I was first introduced to this movie by Famous Monsters magazine and then finally saw it on March 7th, 1975 on the CBS Late Movie. It has always remained a favorite and I love it. Monster movie fans will never be bored with this film as once the action starts it never seems to let up for very long.

Required viewing.

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