Friday, January 5, 2018


I have reviewed this a couple of time over the years on this blog, but all have been based on the recording from the Fox Movie Channel in the 90's and early 2000's.

After a few years I finally managed to pick up the DVD from 20th Century Archives, and what a distinct improvement it is. The print is much clearer and widescreen, which I wasn't aware of on this disc.

John Agar stars as a scientist developing a new nerve gas. During one experiment he gets exposed to it and finds that he can kill people just by touching them. He later is changed into a huge, bloated ugly beast that resemble "The Thing" from the Fantastic Four" comics.

This film moves quickly as it is only one hour long, and I enjoy this film every time I watch it. Agar is always good and his co-stars include Paula Raymond, Roy Gordon, Stephen Dunne, Butch Patrick and John Alonzo.

This was once a "Holy Grail" amongst film fans as it was thought lost for many years until the FMC airings. Now it has finally made it's way to DVD and if you haven't purchased it yet, you should. It took me a while, but I finally got mine and am not disappointed in the least.

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