Friday, July 13, 2018


I reviewed this a while back from a bootleg DVD and lamented thaty fact that this needed a DVD release, and here it is.....finally.

This highly original and unusual horror film stars the lovely Cristina Ferrare as a young woman living in Mexico and making a living by painting. After the opening sequence in which her van breaks down and she spend a rainy night in an abandoned house with a young man we discover that she has some kind of psychosis that forces her to kill and drink the blood of her victims.

The Mexican police and the FBI investigate the killing of several people but have no solid clues to follow. Meanwhile Mary and her make friend Ben enjoy their time together and while Ben thinks Mary can be a bit odd at times, he is slowly falling in love with her and vice versa.

Soon a mysterious cloaked figure shows up and kills the same way Mary does. This secretly shocks Mary. The police soon suspect Ben of the crimes as it seems everywhere he and Mary go there is a killing or two. Things start spinning out of control as Mary's blood lust increases and she finds herself being stalked by the cloaked figure.

All does not end well for anyone involved, including the FBI investigator. There is plenty of blood and some nice nudity by Farrare to keep horror fans interested. John Carradine has a small role as Mary's father, who is disfigured and has the same blood drinking disease as she does.

This is an original concept and does have the "psychosis" angle, much like George Romero's "Martin" which came out a year or two later. The DVD from Code Red includes an interview with Henri Bollinger, one of the producers of the film, and it's very interesting to listen to some of the facts behind this little gem.

Juan Lopez Moctezuma directed this Highly Recommended film for horror fans.

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