In a very distant future a race of beasts run the Earth and an entire city of people are forced to travel back to the past in order to try and change the future.
Tom Burlinson is Ballard, the time guardian and the man who first arrives in 1987 and meets a lovely woman naked Annie played by Nikki Coghill. Over time he convinces her he is from the future and needs her help. Soon the entire city arrives in the past and so do the ruling beasts.
The countryside is laid to waste as the forces battle, with good eventually winning out. Annie decides to go into the future with Ballard and all ends well.
This is as bizarre of a film as I have seen in some time. The Aussie countryside is nice to look at an so is Nikki Coghill for that matter. Dean Stockwell is on hand as the Boss of the city and Carrie Fisher is Petra, a woman who dies for her beliefs of a free future.
There are plenty of plot holes and the film doesn't really gel, but it holds your attention. Not nearly one of the best of the 80's and it seems that late shooting script revisions and a lack of money hampered this film a great deal. The print from Shout is excellent and I do think you should give it a try.