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Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Probably the most unusual movie I have ever seen!!

I really don't know where to start here except to say that a demon possesses a bed and consumes all who happen to lay on it. Now if that doesn't make you sit up and take note, I don't now what will.

It seems the bed is cursed from many years ago when a demon tried to make love to a woman and the woman died so the demon cried tears of blood and they landed on the bed causing the bed to become possessed. This is explained to the viewer by a painter, a victim of the bed who is imprisoned in the painting across from the bed.

Various people come to the castle where the bed is and get eaten and this includes three women who decide to spend the night there. One really disturbing scene has a beautiful black female whose legs were inside the bed manage to crawl away and almost finds freedom until the bedsheets grab her again and take her to the bed's stomach.

This film was considered lost until a bootleg copy was made and the director found out about his film from a board on the internet. He decided to give it a release, and I for one am very glad George Barry did this. You cannot really put this film in any category as it simply defies explanation, but I do recommend it to anyone who wants to watch something completely different and entertaining.

It is bizarre, it is entertaining and it is like nothing else. Now, go buy it and enjoy.

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