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Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I hadn't seen this film in almost 15 years and accidentally stumbled on the disc at my local Hastings store.

This is a shot in Las Vegas horror film from director Ted V. Mikels. A cat food company called Lotus has run into financial problems and start using human bodies in their mixture.

This has a side effect of making the cats turn into flesh eaters who randomly attack people. A doctor and his nurse/girlfriend investigate and get into deep trouble.

Mikels films are not for everyone, but I like the majority of his output. What I really like about this film is the heavy use of colored gel lighting. This and "Creepshow" were the inspiration for my use of colored gel lights in my film "Tales Of The Damned".

This is a fun film and one I can recommend whole heartedly. I remember back in the days of VHS, this film has the reputation of being a really gory film. Not true.

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