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Tuesday, September 8, 2015


AKA "Rio 70" this is an very offbeat gem from Jess Franco.

Sexy Shirley Eaton is Sumuru the leader of an all female army that is intent on taking over the world.

Richard Wyler is Jeff Sutton, a man who is supposedly stealing 10 million dollars and has attracted the attention of an international thief, Masius, played by George Sanders. This sets up Sutton being kidnapped by Sumuru who also wants the money to further finance her world domination plans.

Both Sumuru and Masius discover that the money is just a ruse for Sutton to enter Sumuru's kingdom and rescue a young woman being held captive there. After much torture and fighting Sutton and the young woman, Ulla (Marta Reeves) escape only to be recaptured. Masius then wages war on Sumuru.

This is a very convoluted but action filled film as only Franco could make. Eaton looks great in every scene she is in and easily steals the show. There is a bit of nudity, but this is kind of retrained for a Franco film.

If you like 60's spy films this may catch your fancy. The rest of the cast includes Maria Rohm and Walter Rilla.

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