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Monday, December 14, 2015


The fourth and final film of the Blind Dead series.

A young doctor and his wife come to a small isolated village where he will be working and are met with a lot of hostility from the locals.

It seems that the locals are sacrificing their young women every full moon to the Knights Templar in order to keep the Knights from destroying their small village.

The young couple find a few friends, but all wind up being sacrificed so the couple decide one night to rescue one of the "maidens". They do so and bring on the wrath of the blind dead.

This is a great way to end the series, and it is the one film in the group that isn't talked about as much, but it really delivers the goods. Victor petit is the doctor and gorgeous Maria Kosty is his wife.

Once again Amanddo de ossorio delivers the goods, and really knows how to bring out the scares. I cannot recommend this or the other three previous films enough.

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