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Saturday, June 18, 2016


I must be the only fan of this movie from what I have read.

Ferlin Husky stars as Woodrow Weatherby, a country singer who along with his lover Boots Malone (Joi Lansing) and his business manager Jeepers (Don Bowman)are traveling across country to a country music jamboree in Nashville.

They experience car trouble and are forced to spend the night in an old mansion that is said to be haunted. They discover that it is not only haunted, but is being use by spies who are after a top secret rocket formula.

The spies are played by Basil Rathbone. Lon Chaney, Jr., Linda Ho and John Carradine. Seeing these greats together make this film very worth while in my opinion.

There is plenty of country music from the likes of Sonny James, Merle Haggard, Molly Bee, Jim Kent and many others. This is a sequel to "Las Vegas Hillbillies" which is also a personal favorite of mine.

Contrary to all the negative things you may hear about this film, it is enjoyable for certain people, and just to see Joi Lansing is always a treat.

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