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Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Very good to see this arrive on Blu-ray.

This is a sequel to the original 1958 thriller and some of it is played for laughs.

Larry Hagman, who directed this assembled a great cast and by the end of the movie almost everyone is eaten by the Blob. Godfrey Cambridge is a man who has been working in the arctic on the Alaskan Pipeline ad brings home a sample of the Blob which gets thawed out.

It consumes a housefly, a cat and then moves on to the lovely Marlene Clark and then on to Cambridge. A young woman, Lisa, played by Gwynne Gilford sees the Cambridge character eaten by the monster but can't get anyone to believe her.

The climactic scenes in the bowling alley are superb and very well done. When I saw this in 1972 it did, believe it or not, scare me and it has stayed with me all these years.

The cast also includes Robert Walker, Jr., Richard Webb, Burgess Merideth, Shelley Berman, Carol Lynley, Rockne Tarkington and many more.

The Blu-ray disc is wonderful for the eyes to behold. The colors are rich and nicely textured and the sound quality is excellent. A Huge thanks to Kino for bringing one of my best 70's memories to Blu-ray.

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