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Thursday, June 22, 2017


Made in 1974, this great little Paul Naschy film was finally released in the USA in 1976.

Naschy stars as a man who is an ex-convict looking for work in a small town. Walking along a dark road he is picked up by an attractive woman who hires him as a caretaker of the estate on which she and her sisters live.

The sisters are a strange lot themselves. Claude (Diana Lorys), is beautiful but has a disfigured arm and hand from a burn, Nicole (Ines Morales)is a beautiful red headed nymphomaniac and Ivette (Maria Perschy) is wheelchair bound. As soon as Gilles (Naschy) starts work at the house a serial killer starts killing local women.

The killer stalks beautiful blonde women with blue eyes. After he kills them he cuts out the eyes. Gilles in immediately suspected once the police discover he is staying with the women.

Gilles sleeps with Nicole and Claude. He and Claude fall in love, but it is too late as he is forced to run after the police begin a chase that ends in his death.

The ending of this film comes as a big surprise and it had been so long since I saw this film I forgot the kicker ending. Naschy is very good under the direction of Carlos Aured, and, of course all the women are gorgeous.

The Blu-ray presentation from Scream Factory is perfect and this is my introduction to Naschy on Blu-ray and this is included in a set of 5 films from Nascy that Shout has put out. The set is entitled The Paul Naschy Collection and each title will be reviewed here in the coming days.

This is a highly recommended title if you love Spanish horror mixed with giallo.

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