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Wednesday, May 22, 2019


A very bizarre and twisted film.

Rossano Brazzi wrote the story, the screenplay, directed and stars in this film.

Luscious Adrienne Larussa stars as Licia, a young woman who is tricked by her boyfriend into going into a whore house so he can take incriminating pictures and then blackmail her father Marco (Brazzi).

In order to hide the shame and further his political career Marco and the family have Licia put in a mental hospital for a while. She eventually gets out and acts excited to see her family again.

However, Licia plans to get even with everyone of them no matter how much time it takes. This is a great tale of political corruption and sex. There are many scenes of Licia trying to seduce her sister's husband and they are not soon forgotten.

This was practically a one man act by Brazzi and I have to credit him for putting everything together and keeping his sanity. It's a very difficult thing to handle four chores on one movie.

Larussa easily steals the show with her sultry good looks and switching from innocent to evil in the blink of an eye. She also has what I think is the most erotic bathtub scene ever!! Yep, I'm a fan of hers and believe this may be her best role outside of her Soap Opera role of Brooke Hamilton on Days Of Our Lives, a role she played deliciously as a bad girl for three years.

The movie is a treat for Giallo fans and the print from Sinister is pretty damn good, and I highly recommend this thriller.

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