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Thursday, September 12, 2019


An interesting and obscure film noir from Columbia Pictures.

William Holden stars as a killer named Al Walker who has just escaped from prison and killed two guards as well as the warden.

He and his friends hide out in a mountain cabin where a psychologist, Dr. Andrew Collins (Lee J. Cobb) and his wife Ruth (Lois Maxwell) are entertaining guests for the weekend.

Walker is a brutal and violent man who has a recurring dream and during the course of the night, Collins attempts to slowly work on Walker and see what makes him tick.

Collins discovers the meaning of the dream and uses it against Walker in an effort to calm him down and make him understand his life of crime. Holden does an excellent job in the role of Walker, and this was 2 years before he would hit super stardom with the film "Sunset Boulevard".

The rest of the cast in this superb drama include Nina Foch as Betty, a gorgeous young woman who adores Walker, Adele Jergens, Berry Kroeger, Steven Geray and Robert Osterloh.

For some reason this movie has fallen into obscurity and I can't figure that out at all. It's a tight, well made film dealing with criminal activity and the darkness of the human mind.

If you get a chance to see this I would recommend watching it and seeing what I'm raving about.

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