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Wednesday, November 13, 2019


I am going to have a rant here.

Coming up on Nov. 14th Fathom is presenting 5 episodes of the original Twilight Zone TV series on the big screen in theaters across the country.. This promises to be a great event and one that I will attend and talk about here in a few days.

However it NEVER ceases to amaze me that the articles I read about it are all turned into political Trump bashing. I cannot figure out why the insane media is so adamant on dividing people. There are millions of fans of this show here in the USA alone, and I have read two articles that are nothing but anti Trump messages in disguise.

First off I am well aware that most people who have ever worked in the movie business are liberal or just plain stupid. Everyone has an opinion and that is fine, but why turn everything, especially an article abut such a wonderful show into a hate article? I get messages all the time from liberal nuts out there and I refuse to publish them because this blog is about MOVIES NOT POLITICS except this rant, which is well deserved.

It is disappointing that the media cannot see past their liberal bias even for an article of this flavor. Frankly I don't care about these people's politics dead or alive. Just because these people are liberal does not mean that I won't watch old TV shows and movies or listen to their music. These are my passions in life and I can get past the anti Trump nonsense, I just wish others could.

Rod Serling was a very creative man and it's sad to read stupid comments by his daughter about Trump. A very sad day in America that's for sure.

However, I will still attend the showing and enjoy it to the max and as much as I detest liberals, I certainly will not be watching any of these episodes and thinking about Socialism or all the other brain dead garbage they spew.

I hope every Twilight Zone fan will get a chance to attend this great little get together, have a good time and enjoy the episodes for the wonderful things they are...great stories from a great writer. End of rant.

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