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Monday, May 4, 2020


Very obscure action film from the Philippines.

This title translates into "Jungle Princess" and it is so rare that there is hardly any information on this film anywhere.

The distributor was Everlasting Pictures and they never dubbed the film into English and there are no subtitles. However, there really isn't too much dialogue so I guess it doesn't matter anyway.

The story is simple to follow. A group of Spaniards land on a small island and find a tribe a savage warriors in their search for riches. The leader of the Spainards starts to fall in love with the beautiful leader of the tribe played by Celia Fuentes.

There are plenty of fight scenes and the action rarely stops. There are a lot of day and night scenes mixed together, but I really didn't care, because this film was so intriguing that it didn't bother me.

The director is listed as Ding M. DeJesus who also wrote the screenplay. He also wrote about 56 other films and directed 45 more, all in the Philippines. Fuentes is very easy on the eyes and I would recommend this film simply because it's so damned rare I think you have to see it.

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