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Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Took me a while to finally see this Turkish gem.

This is almost a scene for scene rip off of "The Exorcist" and I did enjoy the movie.

It's subtitled but even some of those don't make too much sense. A young girl named Gul (Canan Perver) starts acting strange after an amulet is dug up in the desert.

Soon she and her mother played by Meral Taygun experience weird noises, the childs bed starts bouncing up and down and Gul begins to spew profanity. Yes, these are indeed the signs of possession.

After doctors fail to help her the mother calls in an exorcist and an almost verbatim exorcism from the US film takes place. I find it interesting that they played "Tubular Bells" many, many times durung this movie including over the opening credits.

These kinds of films always interest me as I consider them to be time capsules from another time and country that we really never get to see anyway. I wish I knew what the people of Turkey who saw the film at the time actually thought.

I enjoyed watching this and I would recommend it if you have some time to kill.

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