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Thursday, July 8, 2021


More Andy Milligan style horror

Yes I reviewed this before but since it's part of the tremendous "DUNGEON OF ANDY MILLIGAN" blu-ray set from Severin, I am talking about this film again.

Denis DeMarne stars as Dr. William Jekyll, a scientist who is hoping to create a drug that can take the evil out of people's minds. He succeeds, but one of his students accidentally destroys the paper the chemical is written on and tries to duplicate it, but alas, it doesn't work.

Jekyll uses the potion on himself and become Danny Blood, a totally sadistic killer who loves to abuse women. He meets April Conners (Julia Stratton) a singer in a local pub and immediately starts to abuse and humiliate her. He even makes her get on her knees and bark like a dog.

Blood decapitates a couple of people and it seems that Jekyll cannot control when his evil side takes over.

I have to admit that Milligan's take on the Stevenson classic tale is quite interesting. It has a good story and the film moves along at a good pace. The quality is the best I have ever seen and that is including the Code Red blu-ray I reviewed a while back.

Severin has done all Milligan fans a favor by bringing this set to the public. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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