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Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Interesting Bryan Edgar Wallace film.

The German police are investigating a series of murders in which a group of masked men hold a kangaroo court and hang those they say escaped justice in the courts.

As the bodies start to pile up the police struggle to capture the killers. They steal a rope from a Scotland Yard museum to do the hangings and despite their best efforts the police cannot stop them.

During the investigation they also stumble on a case where an elderly gentleman is kidnapping women to find the perfect head to place on his creation of an artificial body!!

It's very bizarre how the movie instantly changes course midway thru from being a crime drama to a sci-fi film, but it works. One must pay attention however or you'll wonder if you're watching another movie.

The cast includes Hansjorg Felmy, Wolfgang Preiss and the gorgeous Maria Perschy. Horror and mystery fans should enjoy this little effort.

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