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Thursday, October 28, 2021


Interesting little thriller.

A young woman named Brenda (Ginger Lynn) is taken to a cult ceremony by her current boyfriend. When they arrive she sees that they re going to sacrifice a woman and she decides she wants no part of it.

The police raid the meeting and Brenda is arrested by the cops. She tries to convince a detective named McKenzie (Jay Richardson) that she is innocent. Her public defender, John Stockton (Wings Hauser) bails her out and offers her his home to stay in while he prepares for the trial.

Brenda finds her life threatened by members of the cult including her ex-boyfriend. They will stop at nothing to kill her and keep their secret. Numerous attempts are made on Brenda's life and things soon get totally out of control.

The ending comes as a little suprise as to who is actually leading the insane cult. This sn't too bad of a movie, and I watched it on streaming on early morning and was pretty wrapped up in the story.

Ginger Lynn looks great as always and it was good to see her teamed with Wings Hauser. They play off each other very well. Jay Richardson is always great and his role as the cynical detective is spot on.

If you get a chance, I recommend you see this. Not too bad at all.

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