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Thursday, December 2, 2021


Man oh man, I hadn't seen this since the late 80's with a bootleg VHS.

This is also known as Maniac Killer which it what I saw it under many years ago. It's a very bizarre film directed by the infamous Andrea Bianchi.

The story centers around a cult that kidnapes women and subjects them to medieval tortures in order to purify their souls. The leader of this group is Gondrand (Robert Ginty). He has his sights set on the beautiful wife of Count Silvano (Bo Svenson) and he will stop at nothing to get her.

There are various scenes of sadistic torture of women and everyone but the victim seems to be having a good time. These scenes are over the top, but should come as no suprise considering the director.

Chuck Conners also stars as a doctor who is experimenting on making people immune to death, but what this has to do with the rest of the film is a loss to me except he is a prime suspect in the various kidnappings of women.

The film itself is very disjointed and sometimes confusing as if the film is trying to meld two different stories together. I do admit I like this film a lot. Bianchi also brought us "Strip Nude For Your Killer" and the never to be forgotten "Burial Ground". As in all Bianchi films, there is one character who stands out the most and in this case it's Matthieu (Francois Greze).

Once seen, this character is not forgotten. He is the village simpleton who collects animals for the doctor to experiment on. The Blu-ray presentation is very good, and I am pleased that Full Moon decided to release this obscure gem from Eurocine.

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