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Sunday, August 7, 2022


I reviewed this a couple of years ago after I finally obtained a copy of the DVD and I recently upgraded to a beautiful Blu-ray, so I figured I'd mention this film again.

As most of you who read this blog on a regular basis, I consider this movie from director Frank Perry to be one of the greatest films in American cinema. The story is very simple, but damned effective.

A small rural school receives a warning about an impending nuclear attack. The principle (William Daniels) has no choice but to send the children home. One group goes by bus and two others are on foot with a teacher to accompany them.

Meanwhile the principle and a few of the staff try and determine if this is real or not. We learn a lot of some of the children concerning their fears, hopes and dreams and what their parents do for a living.

The tension builds however as the children and their teaches don't have any news and their fear only grows. It grows so much that it completely destroys some of their lives, and costs other theirs.

Pefect film making from back in the day when people know how to make thought provoking films and films that entertained us. The presentation from Kino is beuatiful as usual and this film is really deserving of this Blu-ray release.

If you haven't seen this yet, do so as soon as you can. You won't regret it.

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