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Thursday, December 22, 2022


Interesting quasi-documentary.

This film uses actual UFO footage and re-enactments to try and determine if all the UFO sightings from 1946 to 1956 are real.

The United States Airforce had been investigating UFO's and found that the files of sightings was tremendous and that something must be afoot for so many sighting to come in.

The best scenes in the film are the ones involving many saucers sighted over Washington D.C. and how radar experts keep things cool during the 6 hour report.

Les Treymayne narrates this film, and his voice always adds a certain aura to and film. If you're a UFO believer and think aliens are among us, you'll no doubt like this film.

It is fun in it's own way. The last five or six minutes of the film are comprised of actual UFO footage for the viewer to study and make their own assumptions.

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