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Friday, June 30, 2023


Very rare crime film falls flat, but did have a few good moments.

The very simple plot involves a man named Mike (Jeff Baker) and a beautiful woman named Dena (Sandy Roberts) who are fighting gangsters on the streets of Cleveland for $100,000.

The voice track is clearly overdubbed in the low budget effort. During the first 20 minutes or so I was taken with this film, but then it just started to lose my interest as the plot really slowed down.

During the film there are plenty of murders, double crosses and the torture of Dena by the gangsters whcih all leads to a final foot chase involving Dena, Mike and the gangsters for the money.

In typical film noir fashion all does not end well for anyone with only Dena coming out alive, but facing a long jail sentance. The flms runs 75 minutes, but should have only been an hour for a much tighter film.

I was shocked to see this on TUBI and decided I had to see it. Feel free to check it out, and check out late 60's Cleveland.

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