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Friday, September 15, 2023


I usually like wild Turkish cinema, but this one was pretty lame.

Actually I needed a bottle of Wild Turkey to get thru this mess. It's known as the Turkish Star Trek and they steal the Star Trek opening and just about everything else from the show.

The Enterprise crew land on a planet where a professor and his daughter live. Before you know it one of the crew is killed and his body has been drained of salt.

Yep, you guessed it, this is a rip off of the episode entitled "Man Trap" but the monster is stupid looking and would really scare nobody. Add to this a silly subplot about the USS Enterprise picking up a man from Earth that is supposed to add comic relief.

He isn't funny and I kept hoping he'd get killed...but no such luck. Like most Turkish films it has plenty of babes but that is about it. Star Trek was huge in Turkey so I guess they felt they needed to rip it off, but damn they could have done a better job.

Capt. Kirk also fights an alien monster that was supposed to be a rip off of the lizard monster from another episode, but the costume looks like it was made by preschoolers.

This was 72 minutes of hell, but whatever. The babes are allright. Check it out if you wish.

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