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Friday, September 30, 2011


One of four movies on the recent Vampires, Mummies and Monsters 2 disc set of Roger Corman Cult Classics, and probably the most ignored as well.
Lovely Linda Blair produced and stars in this bizarre tale about several insane punks who murder an entire family including Blair, only to find a horrifying family secret.
Guy Stockwell stars as Blair's father who is a Hollywood make up artist and Tab Hunter shows up as her Uncle who has one hell of a surprise for the last two survivng punks when it appears they will beat the murder rap and go free.
The ending is really bizarre and is meant to be a joke I believe, but what the heck, enjoy the film. It is nice to see this finally on DVD as it has beend neglected all these years since it has a very limited VHS run in the 80's.

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