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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Someone told me I don't talk about wrestling enough here on this blog, and that is unusual for a man who is the greatest professional wrestler in history, El Zappato, but the time has come to say something about it.
If you are a wrestling fan around age of 40 or over you no doubt remember the glory days of the 70's and 80's when wrestlers were just that, not pretty boys looking to make awful shitty movies and bolt to stardom. They knew how to sell themselves and create heat in the crowd as well as make the good guys look very good and the most important thing is...they sold tickets and put asses in seats.
Now wrestling is nothing but a very lackluster sport at the very best, and the talent is...well not so hot. I have personally defeated every wrestler from Dutch Savage to Randy Savage, but one comes to mind who I think needs a bad ass kicking..and that is Jeff Hardy.
Hardy at one time was very good at what he did, but now he is a drug addicted soul who was caught trying to sell drugs..I believe it was vicodin..I am not sure and this was national news.
He lost his job with TNA wrestling and rightly so, but now here comes this clown again and they are going to try and put him over as a babyface!!
Why in the hell would TNA try and put a drug addicted fool in the position of a babyface good guy??? Gosh what a good idea, lets have children  watch this guy and make him a hero!! Jesus what the hell are Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and the others thinking??!!
Wrestling has become the sport of drunks and addicts who are then thrust upon the public as "good guys" for the crowds to go crazy over. A very sad state of affairs, just like the US Government.
El Zappato would love a chance to kick Jeff's ass all over the place for trying this crap. Oh and one more thing, Vince McMahon and the WWF still suck.
The days of wrestling being just that are gone I am afraid and time has passed yours truely up, but at least I don't put my money up my nose, in a vein or in gas so I can go sell illegal drugs to unsuspecting people.
Jeff are shit.

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