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Saturday, July 21, 2012


Well with all the ballyhoo nonsense about a shooting in Colorado during the premier of Dark Knight Rises the leftwing press has been pretty busy. Me, I simply don't care one way or the other.
It has nothing to do with which political party you are a member of, but the left wing media certainly is trying to make it look that way. Oh and of course it was the guns fault. Now all the left wing liberal crazies are coming out saying people shouldn't own guns.
This arguement gets old but I counter with the argument that nobody should ever be a liberal because they lose free thought that way.
I live in reality and while what happened is sad and has affected a lot of lives it is time to move on.
All I can say is it will happen again and Americans will lose more of their freedoms after the left wing sets up another TSA organization.
Does this ruin my movie going experience, NOT AT ALL. I simply do not support the garbage they make today and therefore do not pander the theater owners.
Maybe, just maybe this happens because sadly, there is no penalty for what this guy did. Think about it, there is NO PENALTY for what he did..none whatsoever.

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