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Saturday, February 16, 2013


An excellent blaxpolitation western!!

No, I am not going to go PC on my blog so quit whining about the title of the movie. Fred Williamson wrote and stars in this film about a black cowboy who arrives in a small town and makes himself Sheriff to clean up all the injustice that is happening. D'Urville Martin is his sidekick and the main villian, Jed Clayton is played by William Smith, an icon in these kinds of movies. There is a lot of violence and fistfights in this film, but amn, does it pack a wallop. The cast is rounded out by R.G. Armstrong, Barbara Leigh, Don Barry, Carmen Haywood and Carmen Zapata. This is actually one of the best westerns I have seen in some time and it is a shame this gets so ignored because of it's title. Lighten up people and check out this excellent little film.

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