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Sunday, February 24, 2013


Aka Werewolf vs. the Vampire Woman.

I have reviewed this here a long time ago, but figured I would do it again because I love this film so damn much. Paul Naschy stars as Waldemar Daninski, a man cursed to change into a werewolf every cycle of the full moon. A young a beautiful woman and her equally sexy friend are traveling in Europe to find the burial spot of a medieval countess named Wandessa, and they happen to meet Daninski.

He takes them to the tomb and one of the girls accidently cuts herself and blood bring the very hungry Countess back to life. Gaby Fuchs is Elvira and Barbara Capell are the two gorgeous travelers. Paty Shepard is the Countess and she battle Daninski at the climax of the film.

This, to me is the epitome of Spanish horror! Sexy women, werewolves, vampires, walking dead and a very 70's flavor make this a true winner. Anchor Bay presents this totally uncut and widescreen as well. A must for any horror film collector!!

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