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Sunday, April 7, 2013


My favorite Paul Naschy film.

Naschy is Waldemar Daninski, a man cursed to change into a werewolf during the full moon. He seeks the help of Henry Jekyll who thinks he can help.

A young woman whose life Daninski saved after she was attacked and her husband killed vows to help Waldemar and takes him to Henry Jekyll. The doc and his sexy assistant, played by Mirtha Miller, take up residence in a castle and try to cure the wolfman.

The young woman is played by gorgeous Shirley Corrigan who reeks of sex and when she kisses the doc for his help Miller turns jealous and kills the doc and turns Naschy into a sadist who like to torture and kill women. He runs loose in London and there is a great scene where he is at a disco and changes from Mr. Hyde into a werewolf!!

Director Leon Klimovsky does a great job of mixing two stories together and the cast works really well. Jekyll is played by Jack Taylor and he does a very good job of projecting a man who really wants to help his fellow man. The print from Code Red is the uncut one with the torture scenes involving Corrigan in tact, and is wide screen to boot. The only other print I have seen of this uncut version was from Sinister Cinema.

This film is on the same disc as Klimovski's other classic, "Vampire's Night Orgy" and it makes one hell of a disc. Highly Recommended horrors!!

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