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Sunday, April 7, 2013


This one is a shocker and very original!

Three doctors are invited to a secluded mansion by a man with no legs and one arm and soon find themselves being murdered one by one in very gruesome ways by a mysterious monster.

The doctors operated on the man who invited them, Kurt Ingston played by Ralph Morgan. As the deaths continue the Sheriff investigates and we soon learn the truth behind all the murders.

If you haven't seen this film you will be very surprised at the ending. I have always loved this film as it is truly original and very well acted. The rest of the cast includes Bela Lugosi, Lionel Atwill, Frank Reicher, Leif Ericson, Irene Hervey, Fay Helm and Nils Asther as a swami named Agor Singh. Recommended!!

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