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Sunday, September 1, 2013


I have received some private emails from people and several comments for the blog that I simply delete.

I have said this before and I will say it again. I welcome and appreciate ALL comments EXCEPT stupid ridiculing comments about the films I review here.

This blog is NOT for the MST3K idiots who have one brain cell and hate anything that wasn't made in the 21st Century. They tear apart all movies, yet they have never attempted to make one and then they send me stupid emails telling me I should make fun and tear apart these films instead of praising them.

MST3K viewers are unintelligent and completely lost when it comes to anything. If you, and you know who you are, want to continue sending comments and letters, please feel free. I always have the delete button.

A big thanks to Everyone who has sent comments and have intelligent things to say. Keep them coming. I know you guys and gals are out there.

End of rant.


  1. Feel pity for them, Quater... for their day and age are sad, and they're left with nothing but hateful spite of a better, long-gone world that left them out. When they come of age, what will they proudly remember, except those hate filled days of Internet trolling? There's nothing else for them to cling on.
    Never mind all that, you're doing fine! Cheers!

  2. hi I always liked the way you talked ;)

  3. Thanks. It is always good to hear from you. If this is who I think it is please write me again soon.

  4. thanks hows everything going for you? ever find that state of perpetual bliss?

  5. Things are ok an there is no state of perpetual bliss. I have learned from thinking there
    How are things for you?

  6. Well I wish they were better than that. Hey, if you want would you mind contacting mt at my email addy? What is new with you anyway?

  7. fair to midland is above average who can ask for more?

  8. I never thought of fair as being above average, but this day and age you are correct. Still working with the same people as before?

  9. I work 7pm to 7am now at a facility way closer to my house, I was always a night shifter if you remember its only the last 5 yrs or so I did days or afternoons... nights are good just real lonely when your off cause the whole worlds sleeping it seems

  10. Yes I did that for 8 months...11pm to 9 am and my nights off were very lonely. I really didn't like it. Now I do 1pm to 10 pm. Glad it is way closer to you now.

  11. Is it still seniors you work with or what?

  12. i work at a long term trauma center now its quite lovely

  13. I must be dense....what exactly do you mean by lovely? I hope the pay is good.

  14. its a nice job its enjoyable I don't mind working I never have

  15. Glad you like it, and yes I remember you never did mind it at all. You is quite the woman. My job is keeping me very busy an with the holidays coming it will get even busier, but it's ok.
    Did you have a very hot summer? Ours was the hottest I can ever remember.

  16. it wasn't as bad as it could have been like it was that first summer you were here that summer was oddly hot n humid

  17. I remember it very well. We really didn't have a fall here this year, it went straight to winter. I take it your winter wasn't too bad either ? Ours was fairly mild until December when it was below zero for over a month.
    I do detest the cold so much.

  18. fall n winter were good went too fast but good very glad to see fall again it smells so wonderful n looks so pretty :)

  19. I agree with you an I have to admit I enjoy your optimistic attitude. Fall is a beautiful time of year with all the colors. Everything is changing there now correct?

  20. yes it is n its really beautiful same there huh?

    1. Not as much as I expected no. I am surprised. It has been rainy and cold, but not much color. I just don;t want a ton of snow this year. I hear you didn't have much last year either. Is that true?

    2. I hope I can hear from you again soon. I miss talking with you. My email addy is if you'd rather send messages there.
      I really appreciate your talking with me
