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Monday, December 9, 2013

DR. X 1932 (WARNER)

One of the best 30's horror films.

Lee Tracy is a reporter who stumbles on a researcher's attempt to capture the "Moon Killer", a cannibalistic murderer running loose in the streets.

Doctor Xavier is played by Lionel Atwill and he is trying to trap the killer thru scientific means. His daughter is played by the always sexy Fay Wray, and back in her day there was nobody sexier than her. This film was done in an early two color technicolor process an this is the print Warner has released.

The movie has plenty of comedy, horror and some shocking moments. The killer is revealed in an ending that I won't ever forget. I simply love the killer applying his "synthetic skin" to his face and hands to "become" a cannibal killer!

The rest of the cast includes John Wray, Preston Foster and Arthur Edmond Carewe.

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