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Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Another camcorder classic from Chester Novell Turner!

Shirley L. Jones returns from "Black Devil Doll From Hell" to star in this weird film about a woman who reads a book to her dead son which consists of two horror tales.

The first story is entitled "Food For ?" and it is a rather bizarre tale about a family who never seems to have enough food to eat, and one family member's solution to the problem. This tale is the best of the two, yet not as good as the wrap around.

The second tale is entitled "The Brothers" and is a strange tale of a man, Ted Johnson who hates his dead brother, Fred, so badly that he steals his body from a funeral home and plans on disgracing him in death. This leads to a series of events in which Ted wishes he had left things alone. I can see from this story that Turner is a fan of Creepshow as several lines of dialogue are taken from that film.

The wrap around tale of Shirley reading to her dead son is actually the best. Her estranged husband breaks into the home and is tired of hearing her speak of their son as if he is still alive. He attacks her and she is forced to kill him. Believe it or not there are some pretty somber moments when Shirley is thinking back to happier times when her son was alive. This works better than both stories, but the entire movie is still very cool.

It's nice to finally be able to see this work from Turner, and some will undoubtedly complain about the picture quality, but those will probably be the MST3K crowd and they have already proven they have no brains.

I cannot recommend this enough. The set of this and Black Devil Doll is highly recommended for any collector who loves bizarre and very low budget movies. One of the best releases of the year!!

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