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Monday, January 19, 2015


This three disc set is considered a "must have" for wrestling fans.

The discs are broken down into specific dates. The first disc covers 1993-1997 which encompasses the very first episode up until the beginning of the attitude era in 1997. It includes such things as the infamous Brian Pillman/Stone Cold Steve Austin Gun episode, Stone Cold stunning Mr. McMahon an much more. This disc is by far the most entertaining of the three.

Disc two covers from 1998-2002 and includes DX invading WCW, the "This is Your Life" episode featuring The Rock and the Stone Cold Steve Austin Beer truck, plus a lot more.

Disc three covers 2003-2008 and it includes the live sex celebration between Lita and Edge, Kane being unmasked, the Monday Night Football Spoof and more.

It's very easy to see in this set how the company started off and actually built itself into a wrestling giant an then how it has slacked off over the last decade or so. The first two discs are far more entertaining than the last one. However, no wrestling fan should miss this set.

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