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Tuesday, November 17, 2015


This is one bizarre film.

A scientist conducts experiments on human cells. He performs these on himself and is transformed into a bizarre looking lizard monster, which isn't seen until the end of the film.

This is an early Spanish horror film from 1972 and I remember reading in the "Psychotronic Encyclopedia Of Film" that is was best viewed at 4:30 AM. Well I viewed it at 5:30 and it was a warped way to bring in a morning.

The film was directed by Miguel Madrid an he deliberately keeps the film "off kilter" so to speak until all is revealed at the end. This film isn't for every taste, but if you're a fan of Spanish horror you should give it a try.

I will keep this review short as I don't want to spoil the film for those that haven't seen it.

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