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Sunday, November 29, 2015


Another great 50's sci-fi film I haven't watched in some time.

Rex Reason stars as Cal Meacham, a scientist who, after building a very complicated device called and Interocitor, is contacted by another scientist named Exeter.

Exeter is actually an alien who is trying to get scientists from Earth to help him in his planet's war with another world. His planet, Metaluna is on the verge of destruction. Meacham teams up with the alien at a secret hideaway in Georgia an meets fellow scientists Ruth Adams (Faith Domergue) and Steve Carlson (Russell Johnson).

They fill Meacham in on what they think is going on and all three plan an escape. Carlson is killed and Adams and Meacham are taken aboard a spaceship and taken to the dying planet.

This is a wonderful trip down memory lane for me and an all round good movie. The technicolor is beautiful and the presentation on DVD is excellent. A bona fide classic that should be more recognized than it is.

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