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Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Another in the long line of Django films.

Django is betrayed by his American friends who helped him steal gold. The American shoot all the Mexicans as well as Django. Django isn't dead however and he contemplates a very bloody revenge.

There are a couple of very disturbing scenes in this film, and the version El Rey ran was totally uncut. It appears that the two very gruesome scenes were edited out of most prints as during those scenes the language changes to Italian and there are subtitles.

One of these scenes involves a man Django has shot using bullets made of solid gold. During an operation the doctor and all of the men who are there begin to dig into the still living man after they find out about the gold, and it is one hell of a shocking scene and very painful to watch.

The other scene involves the scalping of an Indian by a band of killers seeking to kill Django. This is easily the most disturbing scene in the film, but it works really well. This is a very bizarre film and it crosses the line into horror on several occasions as outlined in the above two paragraphs.

If you get a chance, you might want to check this out if you like Spaghetti Westerns. I enjoyed this a lot.

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