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Wednesday, January 6, 2016


A forgotten United Artists horror film from the early 80's makes it's blu-ray debut.

The movie opens with a young Japanese couple meeting and making out in ancient Japan. The husband of the young woman returns and catches them together. He proceeds to kill both his wife and he lover with a Samurai sword before killing himself as well.

Flash forward to present day Japan where a family of three consisting of Edward Albert, Susan George and their daughter move into the home where said murders occurred. Their friend Alex (Doug McClure) welcomes them to Japan and all is well until the three ghosts show up and start possessing the young couple.

There are some interesting aspects to this film. George is always a joy to watch, and I like it when the ghosts possess people and make them say things that they really don't mean to say. Things are put into place for a tragedy unfolds just like many years ago. There is an affair between George and McClure which Albert finds out about. Their daughter is menaced by huge land crabs in a very bizarre scene.

I have read a lot of negative things about this film, and even the director does not like it because of studio tampering. But I find the film entertaining and well worth a watch. Shout brings us an excellent Blu-ray transfer, and to be honest the film never looked better.

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