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Friday, December 16, 2016


I used to own a bootleg of this little film, and finally I have got the DVD from MGM.

I reviewed the bootleg on here several years ago, but I figured it was time to do it again.

Three men and a woman trek across the arid deserts of Egypt to find an expedition which is violating Government policy on digging up tombs.

The leader of the group is Capt. Storm (Mark Dana) and the young woman is the wife of the illegal expedition's leader. Her name is Sylvia Quentin (Diane Brewster). The small party meets a strange young woman walking in the desert. Her name is Simira (Ziva Shapir), and she claims to be heading to the same place they are to save her brother.

The party faces a lot of hardships including a lost food and water supply, but they eventually make it to the camp where Simira informs them that it's too late. Too late for what you ask? Well the tomb is opened and the spirit of a 300 year old mummy takes over the body of Simira's brother.

He soon takes on many years and ages about 50 years in a matter of hours! The once young man starts stalking the others in order to drink their blood and slow down the aging process.

There are a few interesting scenes in this film including an arm being pulled off. I have always liked this film since I first saw it on the TV back in 1974 I believe when I was home sick from school one afternoon and it aired on a local station in Washington.

Also, I have always liked Ziva Shapir aka Ziva Rodann. She was very beautiful and exotic looking and I watched her in everything I could. The DVD quality is very good and it's nice to finally own it.

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