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Monday, December 18, 2017


This is a very rare horror film from South Korea.

The stunning black and white photography only adds more terror to this thriller about a young woman who is killed by her mother-in-law with the help of her maid and she comes back from the dead and seeks revenge.

The plot is pretty simple, but some of the imagery is unforgettable. The ghost can take the form of a cat and that alone sets up some very odd and terrifying moments.

The movie starts off very add and makes the viewer feel as if they have entered a "twilight zone" world. Towards the end of the film we are shown what happened to make all of this insanity possible.

I don't want to give away to much to people that haven't seen this film,but there is one scene of the ghost in bed with a man and as the camera pans over them you see she isn't all human....very odd indeed.

There are no reviews of this on the IMDB or anywhere else I can find. The print from Sinister is beautiful and widescreen. It is subtitled in English.

I cannot recommend this enough. I have said it before and I will say it again...Nobody makes horror films like Japanese or Korean people. Their culture is rich in these things.

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